Mac OS delete failed bootcamp partitions/volumes

Deleting failed Bootcamp partition

So after bootcamp failed and there is 2 bootcamp partitions that you cannot delete.

Here is how to document by using diskutil command to help you remerge partition back to your mac main volume.

first list all your partition

diskutil list

and then figure out which 2 to be deleted

mine was: disk03 and disk04 which are the bootcamp reserved partition

0: GUID_partition_scheme 251.0 GB disk0
1: EFI EFI 314.6 MB disk0s1
2: Apple_APFS Container disk2 162.0 GB disk0s2
3: Microsoft Basic Data OSXRESERVED 8.0 GB disk0s3
4: Apple_APFS Container disk1 80.7 GB disk0s4


first you need to delete the container volumne

diskutil apfs deleteContainer disk0s4


and then you can merge the disk0s3 and disk0s4

diskutil mergePartitions jhfs+ BCMP disk0s3 disk0s4


and finally you can go back to GUI and re merge the BCMP back to your mac volume

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