thoughts regarding time travel

version of time travelling:
1. back in time when everything is reversed back. you become younger. in this version of time travelling, is very unlikely that only you has the memory of the future in the pass. either every body has the memories or nobody has the memories. if you are not aware of the fact that you traveled back in time. it is meaningless. if everybody has the memories, you are still you, aside from the fact that you are younger, not really other benefit.
2. back in time in an alternate universe. back in time but different reality. if there is you in this reality, you become extra. you probably don’t have id, no money. not sure the same thing will happen in the same direction of you timeline. google may lose to yahoo. Jobs may never got back to apple. so in this timeline this reality, you got a difficult starting point with no cash no id. what you gonna do?

above are the thinking base on existing knowledge of the universe.
i like to hear different theory of time travel.

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